
5409 Baumgartner Rd

Sunday Service Time | 10:30am

Worship services

Join us for one of our weekly Sunday worship services. Each service lasts about 70 minutes, including uplifting music and hope-filled teaching from one of our pastors. Be sure to come a little early for some free coffee and donuts. We can’t wait to meet you!

Sundays at 10:30am

What about
my kids?

Birth-5th Grade
Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am

At 9:00am, Connection Groups are a chance for kids to make friends in a smaller group setting (based on age) while learning about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.

At 10:30am, kids in 1st-5th grade experience a worship service designed just for them. Kindergarteners and younger will experience the same 9am lesson taught in a different way, so they’re engaged and reinforcing the same biblical truths.

What do we

Our core values are the priorities derived from how Jesus led His ministry in the New Testament. These values are in place to keep us focused on our mission and define what is really important to us.